Terms & Conditions

Ignorance of the rules is no excuse. It is important to note that by using our service, you automatically agree to our terms and conditions. We reserve the right to change the terms and conditions at any time without notice. Therefore, we recommend that you check the rules regularly.

Full list of rules. This is where you will find all the terms and conditions for all of our services. It is your only source of information on how to properly use our services and what you can expect from them.

Mutual Protection Policy. Pravidla a podmínky jsou zde proto, aby bylo vše jasné a chránily nás i vás, uživatele. Pokud s některými pravidly či podmínkami nesouhlasíte, neváhejte zahájit diskuzi. Jsme otevřeni konstruktivnímu dialogu a rádi se dozvíme vaše názory.

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